First-time mums struggle whether to go for a hypoallergenic or common infant formula.
Let’s face it. Hypoallergenic formula cost more than common infant formula. So how would you know whether your baby needs a hypoallergenic one?
Check out symptoms
· Uncontrollable crying for hours
· Severe diarrhea (with an average of 2-4 times a day)
· Blood in stool
· Excessive spitting
· Difficulty in swallowing
Stay Calm
And if you observe one or more of these symptoms in your baby, it would be easy to panic, right? But please, don't panic – and this is the most important thing you must do. It's understandable that you may feel unease about it being a first-time mum, but it's the best that you keep calm. Again, don't panic.
Ask the Experts
Symptoms you observe in your baby might came from different reasons. That's why talking to your doctor is a must before buying a can of hypoallergenic formula. A helpful way to choose the suitable can of Dumex hypoallergenic formula for your baby.
If the doctor found out that your baby is allergic to cow’s milk and soy, he'll tell you to try hypoallergenic formula. What is the difference of hypoallergenic to other infant formulas?
Dumex hypoallergenic formula are made with tinier proteins compared to others. Hypoallergenic formula is proven to cause fewer allergies in babies. Proteins in this formula are hydrolyzed (broken down into tinier proteins and has significant health benefits for babies). It also helps improve malabsorption (the decreased ability to absorb nutrients from food).
Yet, breast feeding is still best for babies. But if ever that you’ll need a formula supplement for your baby—it is still the best to observe your baby cautiously. Ask experts and familiarize yourself with different infant formulas.
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