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Monday, January 23, 2017

Top 5 Baby Milk Formula In Singapore

Top 5 Baby Milk Formula In Singapore

Although it has been said that breast milk is best for your baby, there are situations where moms have no choice but to give their little ones infant milk formula. Because there are wide range of baby formulas available in the market today, choosing a brand of formula that best suits your baby's needs can be a quite overwhelming task. Narrowed down here are the top five baby milk formula brands available in Singapore to help you make an informed and appropriate choice.

1. Enfamil A+

Enfamil A+ is one of the first choices for mothers that are in need of the best baby formula milk. This brand has a range of products that can meet the nutritional needs of babies and even older kids. Enfamil A+ Stage 2 is appropriate for babies from 6 to 12 months and it is fortified with ARA and DHA which are essential nutrients for brain and eye development. The nutrient that promotes overall mental function known as choline, is also included in Enfamil, plus GOS, which is a prebiotic. It also contains antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E.

2. Similac

Similac have a range of infant to toddler milk with a host of nutrient blend such as the EyeQ Plus system, which comprises Intelli-Pro, Omega 3 and 6, AA, choline, taurine and iron. Similac also have formulas with immunifying ingredients and ProCalci Formulations that can help in fulfilling your baby's specific nutritional needs. When compared to other infant formulas, Similac does not contain palm olein oil and it has over 80 percent more added Lutein, which is important for brain and eye development.

3. Nestle NAN

Nestle NAN, particularly nestle NAN PRO 2, is formulated specially for infants 6 months and older. It has BL Bifidus, which is a blend of bacteria that are naturally active, that helps to promote a healthy intestinal tract. ARA and DHA, which are two essential fatty acids, and OPTI PRO2, which aids in ensuring that your little one gets the right amount of protein for his development, are also embedded in NAN Pro 2.

4. Dumex Mamil Gold

Dumex’s Mamil Gold has different formulas suitable for infants through to 6-year-olds. Apart from containing the highest amount of prebiotics among all infant milk formula brands in Singapore, it also has a perfect blend of nutrients that is adequate supplement for your infant who may have been introduced to solids. Also in Mamil Gold, is DHA & ARA which is vital for brain development, Omega 3 & 6, calcium, taurine and choline which is crucial for mental and physical development, vitamins A, C, D & E, iron and phosphorus, and so many others.

5. Friso Gold

Friso has a range of baby formulas that are designed specially to meet the nutritional needs of infants to kids of 3 years and above. Although each Friso formula has a blend of nutrient that is tailor-made for that particular age group, Friso Gold Stage 2 comprises of a perfect mix of probiotics & prebiotics,nucleotides and DHA and AA. Friso Gold is suitable for babies of 6 months and above. 

How about you? Let us know what milk brand you are giving your young ones? Pease leave it to the comment box below.


  1. Agree that these are the 5 top brands in Singapore. The other two major brands of baby milk powder include S26 and Aptamil. Others include Bellamy, Karihome and a few other.

    1. Having said that, those brands must also be included in the list on future post. Thank you for your feedback! :)

  2. Amazing write-up! You share best information regarding baby formula brands.I read your blog and get useful guide regarding selecting baby milk powder brand that suits baby need. Keep Sharing!

    1. Hi Renu, we're glad you liked our blog. We will continue to share more of these. :)

  3. For my first-born, I fed Enfamil. But my second-born, a girl, is more delicate. I didn't wanna use Nestle, I heard too much bad things about it (just google it). We then tried Hipp (look here). I'm originally from germany, and Hipp is a pretty famous formula there. Plus, it's organic. My girl likes it too, phew :))

    1. Hello Pat! Thanks for sharing your experience with Enfamil and Hipp. We are planning to add a list of Top Organic Milk Formula soon. :)

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