Free Growing Up Milk Formula Samples

Thursday, June 15, 2017

What's the Best Formula for Gassy Baby?

The young digestive system of babies is very prone to gas, especially when they are being fed infant formula.

Although formula tends to give gas more than milk, there are actually some formulas that are specially designed to be easier on the digestive system and to also reduce gas. These infant formulas can make a huge difference.

However, it is important to note that gas is normal. Still, there is such a thing as abnormal gas, and it will be obvious if your child is suffering from it. The most common signs include being overly fussy and having loose stools.

The reason why some infant milk formula makes babies' gassy can be because of sensitivity to certain formulas, which can lead to gas and diarrhea. Most formulas are cow-milk based, therefore, if your baby is sensitive to it, they will end up with an upset tummy every time they are been fed.

The common solution to this is to switch to a soy-based formula, which is usually helpful for most gassy babies. The best step to take is to talk to your pediatrician if you think your choice in formula may be the cause of gas in your baby, and they will probably recommend you switch to one that has no lactose.

Here are some formulas that can help reduce gas in your baby.

Similac Sensitive

Similac Sensitive is recommended by a lot for parents of gassy babies, especially by moms who have experienced the same thing. This formula is a milk-based formula but it contains no lactose, which makes it much easier for babies to digest without having to take soybean-based formula.

Many moms refer to this as a miracle formula, because it works really well for most babies that suffer from gas. Also, it is formulated with a special type of carbohydrate that is supposed to reduce gas.

Similac Soy Isomil

This formula is a great alternative for gassy babies.

As the name implies, it is completely soy-based as opposed to cow’s milk-based. If you give your baby Similac Sensitive and it doesn’t help reduce gas, Similac Soy Isomil might just be what you need.

Talk to your pediatrician first before you switch to a soy-based formula. This is not a decision you should take lightly because there are a lot of things to put into consideration.

Enfamil Gentlease

This infant formula is an alternative to Similac. Enfamil Gentlease is a reduced-lactose milk-based formula, with one-fifth of the lactose of regular formula. Although this is not as little as Similac Sensitive, it is still a lot less and might just do the trick.

Note that this is more or less the same as Similac Sensitive. So if your baby doesn’t’agree with it, you can try this instead of switching to a soy-based formula.

Enfamil Prosobee Soy Infant Formula

This formula is for infant that can’t tolerate lactose at all.

Nutramigen with Enflora LGG

This is formulated without the sugar, sucrose, which is a sugar that some babies usually have trouble digesting.

It is good for infants who have trouble with both cow’s milk and soy milk formulas, and this formula has very good ratings across the board. The only complaint parents have with this formula is that it doesn’t smell so good.

Gas is normal for babies, but if you think that your young one is sufferring for a long period of time, consult your pediatrician. Also, if you have more formula suggestions, just leave it in our comment box below.


  1. Thank you so much for your help for other mothers! My little boy had problems with gas, too. It is terrible as a mother to see your son crying and there is nothing you ca do about it. To us it was Hipp Combiotic formula, which helped a lot. Everyone, who is interested, can read about here:

    Lots of Love,

    1. Hi Felli, hope your son is ok now. Glad that Hipp has helped him. Will surely visit the link you shared also. :)


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