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Friday, January 20, 2017

How to Deal with Toddler's Feeding Issues

How to Deal with Toddler's Feeding Issues
Feeding a toddler is one of the most important tasks as a new parent, but it is not always simple.

Here are some of the common feeding issues in toddlers taking milk and how to deal with them.

1. Spitting up

  • This may be because your baby needs to be held more upright during and after feedings.
  • The nipple flow may be too fast or slow.
  • Your baby may need more frequent burping.
  • Or if your baby is sensitive or allergic to an ingredient in the formula you are using.
Note: You can try taking this allergy screen-er test to see if your baby has allergy.

However, you have to bear in mind that spitting up is very common in babies and may be unavoidable.

2. Vomiting after feeding


Overfeeding is a possible cause.
  • If the toddler's formula is not stored or handled properly.
  • If a powdered formula is not mixed with enough water thereby making it overly concentrated. Also, your baby is sensitive or allergic to an ingredient in the formula you are using.
Make sure you call the doctor immediately if your baby's vomiting is severe, persistent, or forceful.

3. Excessive gas

Possible cause: This could be as a result of your baby getting too much air from the bottle or if your baby needs to be held in a different position during feedings.

4. Fussy and crying at the beginning or end of a feeding

Probable causes for these could be overfeeding, underfeeding or allergy to an ingredient in the formula you are feeding your baby. Also, it could be that the bottle nipple is too big for your baby's mouth or that the flow of formula is too slow or too fast.

5. Colicky behavior
Possible cause:

Your baby may be sensitive or allergic to an ingredient in the formula you are using. Overfeeding or underfeeding could also be a cause.

6. Your baby isn't gaining weight (after 2 weeks old)

The most possible cause is underfeeding.

Make sure you talk to the doctor about your baby's failure to gain weight because it's a serious issue and can indicate other medical problems, such as chronic disease, heart disease, and metabolic concerns.

7. Trouble sucking from the bottle

Possible causes:

The nipple of the bottle may be too big for your baby's mouth or it could be that the flow of formula is too slow.

8. If your baby rejects the bottle


It could be that your baby is not hungry or you're introducing the bottle and your baby is not used to it. Initially, breastfed babies often reject the bottle and it may take a lot of perseverance and several attempts before they accept it.

9. Constipation, or stools that are unusually hard

The only possible cause is that your baby may be sensitive or allergic to an ingredient in the toddler milk formula you are using.

Note: Although it isn't true, you may have heard that the iron in baby formula can cause constipation.

10. Diarrhea, or loose, watery or foul smelling stools

Possible causes:

Your baby may be allergic or sensitive to an ingredient in the formula you are using. The formula may not have been properly stored or handled.

Hope these tips may have help you somehow. Always consult your pediatrician if your baby continuously suffering from these issues.

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