Free Growing Up Milk Formula Samples

Friday, June 16, 2017

Switching Guide From Breastfeeding To Milk Formula

If a doctor recommends a supplement to breastfeeding, or a complete replacement, during the first 4 to 6 months, it is advisable to use an infant formula that is good for babies and meets recognized quality standards. This supplies the nutritional needs of your baby in an easily digestible form when used correctly. Per week, you will need more than one can of formula (450g) if your baby is only bottlefed. Therefore, keep your family circumstances and costs in mind when deciding whether to use infant formula milk.

Get a head start

Preferably, you should start the weaning process a month or two before the actual deadline. You can start replacing your nursing sessions with pumping till you are ready to wean your baby completely if you want to ensure your baby gets the benefits of breast milk for as long as possible.

Take it slow

Make the switch gradually. This is very important so that your breasts don't get painfully engorged and so that your baby won't throw a fit. You can start with the feeding that interests your baby the least like when she is too busy playing. Substitute a bottle for breasts once a day for the first week, then work your way up from there.

Partner up

To reduce confusion and distress for your little one, it is best if you aren't always the one to feed her. If possible, your partner, mom or caregiver should give your baby those first few bottles and also help spoon-feed her dinner. There is a little chance that your baby will protest if your breasts are not within suckling distance.

Mix and match

Your breastfed baby might not take to an artificial nipple without a few squawks. You might want to try different bottles and nipples if your baby hasn't been so keen on the bottle thus far. You can also try this with different flows until the right fit is found. Some babies like a fast stream while some prefer a gentler flow. But if your toddler is older than nine months, you can just skip the bottle altogether and use sippy cups.

Expect engorgement

Remember that breastfeeding works on a supply-and-demand basis, therefore it may take a while for your milk machine to shut down production completely. You may need to express some milk to minimize engorgement for the first few weeks. However, don't fully empty your breasts or you will end up send your body a mixed message to produce more. Warm compresses can help ease your pain if the engorgement becomes uncomfortable.

Don't stress out

Don't expect too much too soon as slow and steady wins the weaning race. It might take a few weeks, so you should expect physical changes and some emotional upset for both you and your infant. Still, this process need not be traumatic for either of you, especially your little one, so it's okay if you need to take a few steps backward at first. Your infant's comfort and well-being comes first.

1 comment:

  1. very well explained thanks for sharing your valuable blog these are very useful to me.
    Baby Feeding


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