Free Growing Up Milk Formula Samples

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Benefits of Growing Up Milk Formula

As a mother, you will be striving to give your child the best only. And now that he has turned 1 year old, you may want to know more about his nutrition and how you can make the right choices in order to help him grow as healthily as possible.

During this stage of your child's life, he will become more independent. He may even start to reject many kinds of food he usually ate and refuse to try new ones. Because of this, the amount and quality of food he eats may not meet his daily nutritional requirements, thereby, leaving him short of what he needs for his growth, development and immunity.

Specially fortified milk helps provide your child with the essential nutrients that his body needs to be active and to grow. Milk formulated for the needs of children one year old and above assures healthy growth. That is because it includes the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals and in the right amounts, for this age of development and growth.

As milk is such a vital part of your child's diet, buying a specialized milk is not a luxury but a necessity. So after your child turns one year old, make sure you provide him with specialized milk. This is a great way for you to know that your child is getting all the vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients he needs. As well, specialized milk provides this in a way that's just right for his growing body's needs at each stage of development

Milk plays a vital role in your child's diet, even after he turns one. It not only give your child the right amount of calcium for strong bones, it also enhances his growth. That is because milk is rich in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, choose the specialized milk that is right for your child's age. Unlike regular cow's milk, these growing up milks are fortified with the essential nutrients for each stage of growth. It has been created to fit small children’s needs perfectly.

Also, they contain more components for growth apart from calcium, which toddlers at this stage of growing need and usually don’t get enough of. According to a Nutrition Society Report, children between 1 and 3 years old are getting too much protein, not enough Omega-3, not enough iron, folic acid, iodine or vitamin D. This milk have these elements in the necessary quantities.

Mums are advised to give toddlers 300-330 ml of milk and dairy products daily, which ideally served in 2 – 3, portions throughout the day.

Growing up milk contains all the following nutrients that experts consider important:

1. Essential vitamins and minerals

Calcium: It is needed for bone growth and development

Iron: It is necessary for healthy physical and mental growth

Vitamin D: this is necessary for better calcium absorption and deposition in the bones.

2. Protein

Protein is important for your child's development, however, at the same time, too much of it can negatively affect the kidneys putting him at risk of obesity in the future. That is why specialized milk contains the right amount of high-quality protein.

3. Essential Fatty Acids i.e linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid

EFAs in the diet are important, since the body cannot produce them.

They play a vital role in building brain cells and the nervous system, and in overall mental and physical growth.

1 comment:

  1. True growing up milk is very necessary for the growth of the kid. I used Nestle's Nan optipro for my child and it was very good.


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