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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mum Tips for Picky Eating Toddlers

A baby may seem picky for different reasons or no reason at all. It could be that he has an immature digestive system, which will surely cure itself with time. Or he might be teething, have food allergy, an infection or just may not be ready for solid foods yet. However, these signals don't necessarily mean that your toddler is picky. The signs can also be because your little one is simply distracted, full or not feeling well.

As long as his growth and weight gain are normal and your baby is achieving his or her milestones, there is usually no need to worry about a fussy baby who chooses a limited diet.

According to a study conducted by the Head of the Pediatrics department at NUH, it was revealed that picky eating among children in Singapore is an issue that is prevalent.

Most parents are concerned over their baby’s fussy eating habits because they are worried that this behaviour could affect their toddler physically and mentally.

If you are having battles with your picky little ones at mealtimes, here are some ideas to help your toddler overcome their picky eating habits.

1. Make sure you have fixed meal and snack times. Serve small and manageable portions each time.

2. Also, always remove uneaten food without any fuss. Be patient and calm during meals because it may take so many attempts before a child can taste a type of food that he is not familiar with. Know that eating solid food is still a new experience for your toddler and he may need time to get used to the various colors, textures and tastes of new food. Although young children like consistency and familiarity with many things, they are very unpredictable when it comes to food, even familiar food.

3. Never force feed your toddler. If your little one turns his head from the spoon, he's telling you clearly, he's had enough, even if it seems he's had very little. You have to trust that your child will eat what he needs. If you force your baby to eat despite these signs, he may start associating eating with tension and discomfort, and become even more fussy. Some give their child growing up milk for toddlers to make sure that they get enough nutrients.

4. Try to minimize distractions at the table. Make sure the food is the focus when it's mealtime. Remove toys and books, turn off the TV, and help your little one focus on only one thing: Eating. If a sibling is running around nearby or a cartoon is distracting him from across the room, your toddler may lose interest in the food being served.

5. Follow your toddler's timeline. Most babies begin eating solid foods between the age of 4 and 6 months, however, some may start a little earlier or later than others. Just as with crawling, walking, potty-training and every other infant milestone, there is no perfect time. There is only your baby's time.

6. Keep trying, gently. Sometimes, babies may need to try a food 8, 10, or even 15 times before they enjoy it, so you have to be patient and continue to revisit a rejected food over time as long as there is no allergy involved.

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