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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Overcoming The Guilty Feeling From Quiting Breastfeeding

If you are feeling like a bad mom because your baby is getting infant milk formula, stop.

Breastfeeding is not the only thing you can do, as a mother, to keep your child healthy.

If you are grieving the loss of nursing, it is okay to allow yourself your sadness. However, accept that you did your best, and then move on. Although breast milk is best for your baby, formula-fed babies are also nourished, thriving and nurtured. The best thing you can do for your infant is to be a happy and willing mom, and if this means no breastfeeding, then that is the best choice for your family.

Therefore, if you are struggling with guilt, you have to stop.

There are different reasons why women can’t nurse, it could be because of painful latch, poor milk production or just that breastfeeding is not for everyone. And this does not mean you are going to harm your baby. Listed below are ways you can mimic some of the benefits of breastfeeding.

To prevent obesity

According to experts, children who eat more fruits and vegetables are less likely to contend with obesity. As soon as your baby is ready for solid foods, which is between 4 and 6 months of age, introduce a wide array of fruits and vegetables as they are rich in vitamins. Also, it is advisable to steer babies away from juice since it has empty calories with very little nutritional benefit. Water should be given instead after your baby is six months.

To improve immunity

Breast milk usually contain the mother's antibodies, which help in boosting a baby’s immune system. Although, formula can’t mimic that, but there are lifestyle choices that can help to reduce your baby’s risk of illness. Ensure your baby gets all her vaccines, wash your hands frequently and always keep newborns away from crowds.

It is also recommended that everyone in the household receive a whooping cough vaccination because it is a highly contagious disease and can be deadly in babies, especially those under three months old.

To Increase IQ

One of the best things you can do to prime your child for academic success is to read to him. Also, limit screen time such as TV, video game, tablet and computer viewing for infants under the age of two. This is because a child's brain usually develops rapidly during these first years, and young children learn most by interacting with people, not through screens.

To enhance bonding

If you are worried you will lose a connection with your baby if you don't breastfeed, you shouldn’t’t be. You should know that every time you hold your baby, sing to her, smile at her, rock her and feed her, any way you choose to feed her, you are bonding with her.

Also, if you really love nursing but know it is not enough, nurse anyway. Although your baby might not be getting a lot of milk, or any from the action, you both get skin-to-skin contact and also the feeling of being connected.

Breastfeeding can be difficult and sometimes, it is just impossible. It is important to always remember that there are so many ways to be a great mom and breastfeeding definitely is not the only one.

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