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Monday, November 28, 2016

9 Myths about Toddler Milk Formula

While the benefits of breastfeeding are abundant, what about those who cannot or absolutely do not wish to breastfeed? Will there be problems for formula fed children? Although, there are many obvious benefits to breast milk, formula is not the horrible poison that is usually described by extreme pro-breast supporters. Here are 9 myths that are not always true about toddler's milk formula and formula fed babies.

1. You can't breastfeed and use formula.

Bottle-feeding formula and breastfeeding is not an either-or choice. Most parents feed their toddlers a combination of both at some point during their toddler's first few months. As a matter of fact, some surveys suggest that the two be combined as it helps mums to breastfeed longer.

2. Nipple confusion causes breastfeeding problems.

This can sometimes just be nipple preference. Try different nipple styles in order to find ones that work best for your infant.

3. Your breast milk supply will decrease if you use formula.

Fact is the more breast milk your baby drinks, the more milk your body produces. However, adding formula to your baby's diet will not make your milk disappear. Your breasts adjust accordingly, instead.

4. Formula-fed babies are not usually as smart or healthy as breastfed babies.

Although, the breast milk has some benefits that is not yet replicate by infant formula, however, infant formulas, which now have prebiotics which supports the immune system, and the fatty acids ARA and DHA which are good for brain and eye development are helpful to your infant's health and development.

5. Formula fed babies have low and poorer performance than breastfed children in school.

This isn't the case as there are too many external factors involved in this one to attribute it to formula feeding. Home environment, parent’s involvement, television or other artificial stimuli, exercise, diet and even sleep patterns are the things that have to do with school performance among several other things.

6. Formula fed babies are always overweight.

Although some studies might show a higher rate of obesity in formula fed children, there are other factors to consider. For instance, were these babies also inactive or fed a poor diet later on? Also, were the formula feedings regulated or just given to the baby whenever he whimpered? There are far too many other factors to consider in obesity than to just claim the extra weight was due to formula.

7. Formula fed babies are sick more often.

The relationship between breast milk passing on the mother’s immunity and antibodies to their babies who have not yet developed a strong immune system is a no-brainier, but What if the immune system of the mother is weak itself? Does that mean she will pass on no immunity benefits? And what about the formula feeding mothers who diligently keep their babies away from sources of illnesses? In fact, there are many always sick breastfed babies and plenty of "never sick" formula fed babies. There are just too many other variables.

8. Formula lacks complete nutrition.

Toddler's milk formulas are today, closer to breast milk than ever before. Many formulas offer nutrients that breastfed babies may need to get from supplements, like vitamin D and just like breast milk, infant formula can also have the important omega-3 fatty acid DHA.

9. Formula feeding impairs bonding with your baby.

Babies don't know how they are being fed, only that they're being held, loved, and nourished. Therefore, if formula feeding lowers your stress levels, that is a plus for you and your baby. If a mother decides to prop their baby up with a bottle, leaving the baby to go about their business, then surely major bonding time will be lost. Also, if a mother is doesn't pay much attention to the child or if she's distant, the bond will be less than the mother who holds a bottle while smiling and talking to her baby. The bond is not just because of the breast milk but it is due to the time spent.

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